2014 FIVB World Championship - Italy - 9/23

  • Debarlieva is back to Bulgarian NT :lol:

  • where she was eve playing? club I mean? 8| I didnt hear from her in a while...

    Last 2 seasons she played in Leningradka St. Petersburg, in the second Russian league (or "League A'). Simona Rinieri plays this season in Leningradka, but Lyubka left the team before the beginning of the season and I don't remember if she found a new club.

  • Last 2 seasons she played in Leningradka St. Petersburg, in the second Russian league (or "League A'). Simona Rinieri plays this season in Leningradka, but Lyubka left the team before the beginning of the season and I don't remember if she found a new club.

    Thanks dear! :flower: I wonder in what shape she is right now..that should be interesting..though Im pretty sure Kitipova has her spot in the starting line no matter what.

  • Dutch roster for the Qualification Tournament in Croatia (Croatia, France, Hungary, The Netherlands):

    S: Femke Stoltenborg, Laura Dijkema

    L: Myrthe Schoot, Kirsten Knip

    Opp: Manon Flier, Judith Pietersen

    MB: Robin de Kruijf, Quinta Steenbergen, Yvon Beliën, Lynn Thijssen

    OH: Anne Buijs, Maret Grothues, Celeste Plak, Kim Renkema

    Sloetjes, Stam and Wensink are still injured.


  • French list (18 players) for the WCQ:

    S: Armelle Faesh, Mallory Steux, Laurianne Truchetet

    L: Déborah Ortschitt, Alexandra Rochelle

    Opp: Hélène Schleck, Anastasia Koutchouk, Alexandra Jupiter

    MB: Christina Bauer, Myriam Kloster, Maëva Orlé, Valentine Mortreux

    OH: Camille Crousillat, Alexia Djilali, Elisabeth Fedele, Anna Rybaczewski, Astrid Souply, Taiana Téré


  • Lauriane Truchetet has a knee injury and is out until January, so I expect she won't play.

  • Serbian 15 for WCH Qualifications:
    Setters: Maja Ognjenovic, Bojana Zivkovic
    Opposites: Jovana Brakocevic, Ana Bjelica. Tijana Boskovic
    Outside Hitters: Jelena Nikolic, Brizitka Molnar, Brankica Mihajlovic, Tijana Malesevic, Sanja Malagurski (also OP)
    Middle Blockers: Natasha Krsmanovic, Milena Rasic, Stefana Veljkovic, Nadja Ninkovic
    Libero: Suzana Cebic

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • Apparently Guillermo Gallardo (ARG) is the new Head Coach of Romania NT. I've read it last week in a newspaper article and now you can find his name also on the CEV-Website. But i don't know, if it's only for the WCH-Qualification or for a longer term?

  • Diana Nenova and Maria Filipova are not in Bulgaria's wide roster for WCHQ, but I don't think either of them is injured because both are currently playing in their club teams. Have they retired from NT or is there any conflict?

  • Diana Nenova and Maria Filipova are not in Bulgaria's wide roster for WCHQ, but I don't think either of them is injured because both are currently playing in their club teams. Have they retired from NT or is there any conflict?

    Both of them were the weakest points of the Bulgaria 2013 NT. I wouldn't be surpirsed if the reason was rather poor shape than retire or conflict... :whistle:

  • Diana Nenova and Maria Filipova are not in Bulgaria's wide roster for WCHQ, but I don't think either of them is injured because both are currently playing in their club teams. Have they retired from NT or is there any conflict?

    Zhana Todorova is a good prospect, but she is very young. Other libero is Nikolova Desislva, if she is the one who plays in Halbank as OH, she is not very stable receiver for a libero :S

  • Diana Nenova and Maria Filipova are not in Bulgaria's wide roster for WCHQ, but I don't think either of them is injured because both are currently playing in their club teams. Have they retired from NT or is there any conflict?

    There was a report few weeks ago..maybe some months ago..I dont remember in sportal.bg saying Abbondanza would not count with them anymore...cause he didnt like their work...or something like that.

  • There was a report few weeks ago..maybe some months ago..I dont remember in sportal.bg saying Abbondanza would not count with them anymore...cause he didnt like their work...or something like that.

    I agree that they're both not great players, but the problem is that Bulgaria simply doesn't have better players than them. OK, of course Kitipova is better than Nenova now, but it would be better to have Nenova on bench than Debarlieva. Why don't they just try to reactivate Neli Marinova? :roll:
    And as for libero, the only other Bulgarian libero I know is Ivelina Monova who played in Stuttgart last season and she is certainly worse than Filipova and she isn't in the roster either now. Zhana Todorova is only 16, surely she can be a great prospect for the future but I don't think they can count on her now already, and Desi Nikolova is not a "real" libero and I'm not sure if she has the potential to be one....

  • What about broadcasting of the qualification-tournaments ???

    Will Laola broadcast some matcches ?? Others??

  • Polsat Sport will definitely show Polish group, so some links should appear maybe on sportlemon or streamhunter ^^

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • Polsat Sport will definitely show Polish group, so some links should appear maybe on sportlemon or streamhunter ^^

    Thanks kondzio :drink:

    So, at least we will be able to watch Poland-Belgium :super:

  • Quote

    Diana Nenova and Maria Filipova are not in Bulgaria's wide roster for WCHQ, but I don't think either of them is injured because both are currently playing in their club teams. Have they retired from NT or is there any conflict?

    Libero of Bulgaria will be Kristin Kolchagova from Kazanlak volley. She has 4-th place in the Junior WCH with the generation of Vasileva, Rabadzhieva, Nikolova, Kitipova and Ruseva. I think that she is very telented and wasn't able to be in the national squad because of weakest libero ever like Mima The Bubble Gum. About a position of second setter there will be some other interesting names in the future like i think Petia Barakova or Cveti Nikolova.