2022 FIVB Women's World Championships - Netherlands and Poland

  • Chen Pei-yan: Spike: 0/2, at least, I hope she could get more points

    My favourite roster of Chinese (in 2022)
    male NT:
    S - Yu Yao-chen, Chen Lei-yang
    OP - Jiang Chuan, Dai Qing-yao
    OH - Zhang Jing-yin, Yu Yuan-tai, Liu Li-bin, Fu Hou-wen
    MB - Zhang Zhe-jia, Peng Shi-kun, Li Yong-zhen, Jiang Zhen-yang
    L - Yang Yi-ming, Yang Tian-yuan

    female NT:
    S - Yao Di, Diao Lin-yu
    OP - Gong Xiang-yu, Sun Xiao-xuan
    OH - Li Ying-ying, Wang Yi-fan, Wu Meng-jie, Zhuang Yu-shan
    MB - Yuan Xin-yue, Wang Yuan-yuan, Zheng Yi-xin, Liu Yu
    L - Ni Fei-fan, Xu Jia-nan

  • Turkey played with many B team players on the 2nd part of the set but it still ended 25-13. I also still liked to root for Korea but gosh it's a lost cause. I seriously wish the African teams got to play them, I could see an upset happening or at least a fun match.

    Aylin had some kills so I'm happy 😊 hope she'll be able to follow Eda's footsteps long term together with Zehra

  • Still cheering for Korea! Despite gritting my teeth constantly whenever I watch any of their matches.

    Jeong Ah isn't meant to be an OH1 unfortunately despite her great performance last Tokyo Olympics. Good to change the flow of the game, but not to carry it. Even before Tokyo Olympics she's been a sub player only (after Lee Jaeyoung became a starter).

    And with this kind of performance, this may be the last competition we'll see Cesar be the coach of Team Korea. :gone:

    What can Cesar do, when players just want to play their league instead of going to the national team?

  • Not that any other coach can do better with those players

    Would you believe me if I told you they don't even play like this in the Korean V-League (except the youngster Lee Dahyeon (MB) coz I feel she's the only one who pushes to do more)?

    I feel like the team rhythm is worst here, in the international stage, than in the local one. Kinda understable, but also crazy that they'd let the great boost in popularity (local and international scene) to the team just got to waste. Players, clubs and organization all have a hand on this situation...

  • It is sad to see Korea playing like that but can someone start a petition for kicking Korea from VNL 2023? There are way better teams who deserve to be there, not you Belgium though, until you get rid of that coach.

    It is hard to comment on Turkish players in this match because Korea could neither serve, nor make proper defense/block.

  • It is sad to see Korea playing like that but can someone start a petition for kicking Korea from VNL 2023? There are way better teams who deserve to be there, not you Belgium though, until you get rid of that coach.

    It is hard to comment on Turkish players in this match because Korea could neither serve, nor make proper defense/block.

    15 teams is not bad, you can have 3 host cities at a time and groups of 5 playing a 4 round round robin. It'll be like the same as VNL 2022 format except 3 extra cities get to host.

    edit: but also, no, korea should stay

  • 15 teams is not bad, you can have 3 host cities at a time and groups of 5 playing a 4 round round robin. It'll be like the same as VNL 2022 format except 3 extra cities get to host.

    edit: but also, no, korea should stay


  • Korea doesn't even look like they want to be in international competitions anymore tbh. I have a hard time believing their service errors on set point weren't deliberate 🤣

    The core teams system is so flawed. I'd also like to see literally any other team really at this point coming in for them.

  • why?

    I don't think the rules should be retroactively changed simply because we don't like the results that we have seen. It sets a bad precedent. I don't recall people being so vocal about the core team rule (I think it's dumb, to be clear) before Korea's disastrous performance.

    Now, it would be nice if KVA gives up their VNL spot (especially if they can't assemble a team), however, that's ultimately their right and not ours, and I don't think we should pressure them. Maybe with none of their players wanting to play in the national team they will do so.

  • Yes why not. I like Russia a lot and they have a competent team. Does anyone besides Western Europeans and NA'ns even believe in the political games, I highly doubt 🤣 like all of our countries aren't evil. I sure know it means nothing to me as much as I would like to see the war end as well.

  • Yes why not. I like Russia a lot and they have a competent team. Does anyone besides Western Europeans and NA'ns even believe in the political games, I highly doubt 🤣 like all of our countries aren't evil. I sure know it means nothing to me as much as I would like to see the war end as well.

    lol i deleted the bait a little too late :rolll: