COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

  • 1 day has 1440 mins. Multiply by 2 and you almost have the numbers of deaths by COVID in Brazil today

  • I just want to share my experience with vaccine.

    I have received second dose Moderna vaccine and everything went perf. good as with first one. My arm was hurting little bit I drunk pill for the pain and everything gone. So that is it.

    My dad got vaccine (Moderna) yesterday same thing. So I recommend Moderna Vaccine (IF you gone have chance to choose) because I know 6people personally who received this vaccine and literlly except of arm pain their was no bigger symptoms. But with Pfizer it is different situation. As I know. Nothing to worried about, but situation with symptoms are little better with Moderna.

  • And to add something.

    Even with first dose of Moderna vaccine, lets say it past 3 weeks after I got first dose.

    I was in close contact with person who had covid(British one) She and her family got infected everyone close to them. Except me and her friend who got 2doses and they were hanging out in house (5 of them) everyone got covid except her who got vaccine.

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    If you have time guys, please read all the conversation: FULL CONVERSATION

    All the great efforts made in Europe, the United States, Israel and other zones in the globe will be in vain if world leaders dont pay due attention to the Brazilian crisis and its variants. It isnt anymore a problem which only concerns Brazil or the neighbourhood (Southamerica), but now all the world.

    Let's see beyond our doors and understand that the world doesnt start and finish in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, etc, ("Occidental" world).

    For example, Chile is in the top 5 of countries with the best vaccination campaign. They have vaccinated way more people (and faster) than many other developed countries. Nevertheless, 97% of Chilean territory is in strict quarantine again. Why? Brazilian P1 variant is a key factor.

    My condolences and best wishes to all the Brazilian users here + their beloved ones and family. Im part of the neighbourhood, but your situation is way more critic.