Politics and social issues

  • Biden is (barely) leading also in Michigan now

    Except for Alaska, the other 3 states are not so clearly wins for Trump, a bunch of mailed in votes are missing and those are going to be vastly in dem favour (Trump advised against mailing vote), so Biden could still swing it, that's what happened in Michigan and Winsconsin


    It's getting bigger: it was 0,2% advantage and now it's 0,3%. Finger crossed.

  • Most Americans I see on the internet don't like Trump, but Trump will likely win the presidential election for the second time.This is so weird.Are people ashamed to say that they support Trump?

    Also When I look at the US presidential candidates, I think neither of them seem like the president of the most powerful country in the world.

    Because radical lefties are very loud and attacking everyone else who has different opinion. So republicans are staying in quit and voting.

    If Biden wins it is going be with literally only 2spots more than Trump.

    I can't believe it that America doesn't have better options than Biden or even more crazy Trump :aww:

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is future and first ever women president in US. I hope so !!!

  • oh yeah because the right wing radicals are so quiet and nice, specially the militias with their guns... they are so kind and polite.

    MTS was talking about internet, and me too.

  • again, if you think the radical right is soooo polite and kind online, then you are not paying attention...

    For me the biggest idiots on this World are radicals. Both sides, left or right.

  • Because radical lefties are very loud and attacking everyone else who has different opinion. So republicans are staying in quit and voting.

    If Biden wins it is going be with literally only 2spots more than Trump.

    I can't believe it that America doesn't have better options than Biden or even more crazy Trump :aww:

    American democratic party and radical lefties, lol pick one

    BTW it's full of internet places where republicans are very vocal about their opinions, just take a look on twitter/facebook/reddit. And they're more often than not far from being nice and polite

  • i was referring to breitbart, infowars, etc. all the crazy shit from the loony right. not to mention the neonazi, qanon, proud boys, militia websites and movement. somehow you forgot about them. don’t give me this “both sides” crap. there’s no comparison. not even close. as i said, people are not paying attention. it’s the same people who think “oh hillary is as bad as the dump.” or “lula and dilma are as bad as the bolsonazi.”

    not even close.

  • ES8aNQRXkAAkDUq.jpg

    No. Just no. I know you have the best intentions QPL, but if the embodiment of Capitol political corruption and everything that is wrong with modern Democratic party (big money, big oil, big pharma, uncontrollable military-industrial complex, regime-changing imperialistic wars etc) is the only thing standing between us and the apocalypse, I for one say let it be over with quickly.

    Having said that, of course republican party and Trump are even worse, but if democratic party hadn't rigged their own primary to ensure that the pictured woman will be their candidate in 2016, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.

  • Janko

    I honestly don't see Hillary as bad as people think. I get your point anyway. I was hopeless when I posted that pic (Trump was ahead in Michigan) and she crossed my mind as the only one who could stop him. Now Biden turned this match around and let's hope he can make this miracle.

    And yes, everyone is better than Trump, even He who must not be named of our forum. :lol:

  • biden is very close to winning the presidency, and even PA might not matter... it looks like they can't steal this one.

    bad news: the republinazis keep control of senate.

    biden now with more than 3 million votes over the orange turd.

    meanwhile, reports of 700,000 ballots undelivered by the post office. and they call this a democracy?

    it'll be an interesting next 4 years...

  • Hope Biden wins this election. I have the impression he's not the best one out there, but would rather have him as president than Trump. It's alarming how the fight is quite close.