2022 Women's Volleyball Nations League

  • Diana is out of VNL after this week

  • I love that Serbia never fails at serving one OH to be criticized brutally by entire forum every year: Blagojevic, Mihajlovic, and now milenkovic😂

  • I wanna see MBs doing pipe attacks

  • Diana, Julia K out?

    Lorrayna/Lorenne in? lmfao

    I wanna see Lorrayna, Lorenne and Lorena on court at the same time

    EDIT: I know both Lorrayna and Lorenne are Opp but maybe one of them plays OH?

    Diana and Rosamaria out so I can see Lorrayna, Lorenne, Loren, Julia K and Julia B all on court at the same time 😅

  • Julia K will be out?

  • wow the rivalry here is strong…. The Filipino fans seem to be taking Japan’s side, chanting loudly while the opposition serves. Wonder why the Filipinos prefer japan to China…

    anime, because of haikyuu + vbworld's social media obsession's with the men's JP players. Mayu is getting the loudest cheer when she serves, because of baby bra warriors wetting themselves over Yuki :lol:

  • I dont know about Julia K ( Kudiess) leaving. I think that She Will stay and Mayani Will bê back after Diana departure.

    Lorrayna hásnt any skill tô play as OH. But i would Very much prefer Kisy / Lorrayna duo as Opp.

    I am notistaken Lorenne already played as OH in under ages categorias for club. But i dont know If she is suittable for this change.

    Rosamaria os defintely some skilled Opp who can play both OH and Opp position. She is what German team needs.

  • Julia B should continue her schooling after WCH plsss