Any news on Vuchkova?
2023/2024 Transfer News (Female)
#official Aydın BBSK announced Lauren Carlini
Bravo Aydin!
,Carlini does whatever it takes to make Kirally cut her her for the Olympics. I do not understand her .
,Carlini does whatever it takes to make Kirally cut her her for the Olympics. I do not understand her .
she may not have that much of a choice
Anastasiia Kraiduba (O) from Opole to Il Bisonte Firenze...
She's very good, great transfer IMO!
Dutch S Kim Klein Lankhorst from Cuneo to Rote Raben Vilsbiburg.
She's very good, great transfer IMO!
She plays good during European League, but she didn't have a great season with UNI Opole. She had like 4 good games during the whole season. Opole definitely expected more from her.
Talented swedish MB - Maja Jonsson (born 2003,196 cm) signed with Engelholm VS.