European Qualification for the Olympic Games 2008

  • Poland will get the last spot. Mark my words and call on me later.

    There is not "one" last spot, but three. I'm not sure of how the drawing of lots will be held, but there's a good probability that Poland and Spain won't even be in the same pool. You really ought to get used to the idea that Spain is definitely a team that Russia will have to cross in the future ...

  • Afroman, shut up or i will make u shut up.

    Ok, it's up to you, but you all know that I am right, I don't know why you hate me, and always are contrary to me, even contrary to the truth , but I promise that serbians will pay for this, if not from spanish, then from Bulgaria.


    "I'm so proud that the fans still sing my name. But I fear tomorrow they will stop. And I fear it because I love it. And everything you love you fear you will lose" - Eric Cantona

  • Relax guys!!!

    Here is a Forum to all the people trade ideas.. Everybody like the GAME! :D

    Each one like e cheer.. about your team.. I Brazilan..Afroman is Bulgarian..Russkii is Russian..

    If referees wrong.. I don´t watched the game.. happens.. already mandy times against my BRAZIL :(

    Congratulations the Serbia NT.. they are in OG!

    Spain have a chance in World QUAL. yet!

    and the more important... VOLLEYBALL always LOVED!!!! :D



  • If I were a Spaniard, I would like to kill this referee, I suppose. But I am a Pole and I was watching the game without many good or bad emotions. Sometimes referees become too important part of the game and make stupid mistakes ( although it was really difficult decision), which have some influence on the result. But frankly saying, Spain was leading 2-0 and had game in its hands, but they let Serbians woke up. So, this referee's mistakes hurts, however it is not the only reason why Spain lost.

    The most important 3:

    5th place - Prediction Game - World League 2011 :D

  • There is not "one" last sport, but three. I'm not sure of how the drawing of lots will be held, but there's a good probability that Poland and Spain won't even be in the same pool. You really ought to get used to the idea that Spain is definitely a team that Russia will have to cross in the future ...

    I didn't know. But I refer to the World Qualifictions. Three spots there?

    Dude, you think I am scared of the "Kings of Moscow"? LOL! If we have to cross with them, so be it, but I expect a tougher team in the OG.

  • Both teams deserve to be in Beijing 2008. Serbia is really good team, I must admit! As I've heard they had showed big spirit in Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and that's why the had won it. Even in WCH 2006 we have beat them very hard. But who cares in Beijing 2008 everyday will be volleyball matches and will watch swimming and athletics :D . And Russki - you know what is happening to people who are talking too much :lol: . And for Nastja I wrote thread about intercontinental rounds. Hope Polish won't get in Germany. Cheers :drink: .

  • Where you are 1st refferee you are not suppposed to be able to seee anything, but when the 2nd said that it's "in", it's like that.

    Why d'you think they put them on a big chair like this ? Only to make a show, move their arms and whistle like they are some batucada leaders ? No that's to have a good sight of most of the action.
    Second referee is here to look at the net and look at the feet on the 3m line. If he had a better point of view than the first referee, he would take the decision in the end. He is not in a better place than the first to see the lines, which is assistant's job.

  • Well, I'm glad Serbians have classified for OG -- nothing against Spain, but as I said in some other thread, it doesn't matter if they did a good or bad championship, if the referee was right or wrong, what matters is that Serbia won and they are classified. Unless some grave mistake is proved (like not putting points for one team), they are not going to change that result.

    Unfair things happen everywhere and in every sport, so let's not blame anyone for what happened... It was a mistake, but it happens often, not only on decisive moments... but that is part of the sport, they don't have replay, or dispositives to see if the ball was in or out, the judges are also only human! And let's no fight over this, it's not worth! Let's calm down the nerves ;)

    Spain has other chance, like Poland and Italy, but OG has only 12 spots and a LOT of teams will be out of the competition... :!:

  • Serbia is a team which should be respected.

    I've watched this team for many years, and I think that this team is unique in the sense that the players are so disciplined, the players won't be overreacted on the court but you can feel that they fill their play with heart, passion, faith and courage in important tournaments. This quality makes them seldom lose a match due to psychological problems. This makes this team always spectacular to watch in the final phase of a major tournament, even though they are no longer the strongest team in the world.

  • Haha. I am really happy now! Serbians can sure party like no one. I wish there were some around right now! :D I think I will get loaded by myself. ;)

    A bit calmer now, I think it was a good match, but very unstable and not so good level. Milikovic is getting old. :( He didn't start too well, but was important later on.

    Spain has a good block I think. They fought hard in the tie breaker, but they played NOTHING in the 3th and 4th set.

    I wish we could replay the Sydney final. :) I know it isn't very likely, but it would be awesome!

  • Serbia is a team which should be respected.

    I've watched this team for many years, and I think that this team is unique in the sense that the players are so disciplined, the players won't be overreacted on the court

    Yes you're true. Serbia players are very calm and show good sportmanship on court. You will very seldom see them despising their opponents in any way. A lot of players can't help overreacting at opponents mistake on important points. But I can't remember seeing a Serbian player really acting like this. Even a player like Nikola Grbic, who strikes a lot of spikes for a setter, and who could easily mock the other team when doing it like too many of his fellow setters are doing, is always respectful. He may show rage sometimes while spiking, but in no way is he showing some kind of superiority or laughing at his opponents.

  • I think that was a GOOD final (Serbia x Spain)

    Serbia deserve.. to WIN!

    The OG 2008 will be much harder to ANY TEAM..

    Russkii, I think that Serbia x Russia don´t to meet in OG final 2008 :)

    I hope so! :D



  • I am just so happy to know that Serbia won the final

    I really like to see Ivan,geric and grbic in Beijing....

    I just cannot waite to see them~~

  • . Give us the serbians, we'll blew them away in the OG. I really hate this in sport, in the most important moment.... :down:

    Wow.... that is what I call being confident.... :whistle:

    I wish we could replay the Sydney final. :) I know it isn't very likely, but it would be awesome!

    Now it is time for the brazilians to crush your Russia... :drink:

  • Nothing against Spain, really.

    But I'm glad Serbia won. It would be a pity not to see one of the TOP 3 players of this decade play in Beijing. Ivan was out in Athens and it would really be a shame to not be able to see this amazing player shine one last time.

    I will be supporting Poland and Italy in the World Qualifications, but I wish Spain the best of luck nonetheless... :)

  • I am glad that Serbia won. They deserve it and always shows how much they care to win, they never give up and play to the end. Theirs strentght is calmness even when they lose or sth is not going as they intended, they all behave like 100% proffesional players, I think that this is in theirs nature :)
    I kept fingers crossed whole match for Plavi and they did not dissapoint me, thanx God that at least them :)
    don't say that Ivan didn't show how much valuable player he is, in my opinion he's still the best! :heart:

    cu :P

    "To get from the sport what I have got,
    rain what you really like,
    always work at least a little more than you are asked to
    and believe that everything that happens to you
    is leading you to the TOP!"
    Ivan Miljković

  • I am glad that Serbia won. They deserve it and always shows how much they care to win, they never give up and play to the end. Theirs strentght is calmness even when they lose or sth is not going as they intended, they all behave like 100% proffesional players, I think that this is in theirs nature :)
    I kept fingers crossed whole match for Plavi and they did not dissapoint me, thanx God that at least them :)
    don't say that Ivan didn't show how much valuable player he is, in my opinion he's still the best! :heart:

    cu :P

    Yes, he is the best!! Awesome opposite and very lucky!

  • Serbia has good players, but most of them I don't like. Anyway I will be glad to beat you in OG.

    Watch out! As we say here in Brazil "The higher you put yourself, the higher is the fall" (= the more you go around telling people how good you are, the more you will suffer when things go wrong for your team)