Those line referees at the final are a disgrace. The main referee should just kick them out and make the calls himself. The TV commentators here are having a blast with their calls.

World League 2009
It's now 2-2 in the final... Tie-break starts soon..
The level of play is high.
I'm shocked by the unfair crowd. I know it's normal in countries like Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia etc., but for a North-West-European like me it is shocking every time again.. a blame for the has something to do with a lack of civilisation...
can I watch online somewhere?
Brazil wins again!!!
I'm shocked by the unfair crowd. I know it's normal in countries like Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia etc., but for a North-West-European like me it is shocking every time again.. a blame for the has something to do with a lack of civilisation...
Oh, yeah. Those awful, awful, AWFUL Balkan barbarians. Just look what they're doing:…uth_yorkshire/6422149.stm…ball-hooligans-redirectedOh wait. Right.
On a more related note, the WL curse lives on. And like always, one Miljkovic isn't enough.
And Miljkovic should have admitted that the ball had touched him, there shouldn't have been a controversy. -
Ah shit! I really hoped Serbia would win for once, argh! Miljkovic the one man army has to beat Brazil at least once! Come on!
aaa amazing final
Brazil once again showed their the best
i regret someone had to loose in that macth i could watch it forever
Miljkovic is fantastic player but Vissoto star shine brighter today .situation in the end of 4 set-it shouldn't happened i think its against the rule to talk with supervisior about referee call
but point went to good side and Serbia won that set so nothing really happened but if Brazil would won that set it be lot of speculation and controversial.
great athosphere in Belgrade
i really really REALLY envy Serbian this superb hall
Con un fuerte ataque por la 4 Gilberto Godoy Filho (Giba) cerro su actuacion con el seleccionado Brazileño dandole a estos la victoria en el desafio final ante el potente equipo de Serbia en 5 parciales no aptos para cardiacos. Con esta victoria Brazil logra su 8vo campeonato en 10 años.
25-22, 23-25, 25-22, 23-25 y 15-12.
Cabe informar que por primera vez en lo que llevo en el voleibol, que son unos 25 años, nunca habia visto que la comision evaluativa de arbitraje, revocara una desicion de un arbitro principal. Cabe señalar que el arbitro estaba fallando mucho a favor de los Serbios. Pichi Voleo, que Bochincheee!…League/2009/?Tourn=WL2009…rnCode=WL2009&NoMatch=106
There are World Championships next years. Many teams are starting to play in defence. Hopefully there will be some more powerfull than USA to beat Brazil.
@ Joana
I can imagine your reaction, because you are Serbian yourself and it's not nice hearing critical point of views about one's own country/people/culture, but what happened today is characteristic, not an incident. I will not discuss it further, because this is a volleyballforum and not a politicsforum.
I can take critical point of view really well and I'm very critical myself. What I can't take is BS that your post (or rather a part of it) was. If you didn't like the atmosphere, it would have sufficed to say so and not include some "interpretations" of the crowd's behaviour.
BTW, getting 22 000 people to watch volleyball is an accomplishment in itself.
" has something to do with a lack of civilisation... " - these are quite hard words. And that's still a polite way to describe that.
I also supported Serbia today and really wanted to see them winning this league for the first time... All of their players were in a very good shape - Miljkovic, Grbic, Janic, Stankovic, but alas! On the other side, I've never seen so many mistakes from all the referees in a volleyball match so far. Loderus and Hobor are very experienced but, unfortunately, maybe not enough... Great performance from both sides, great game to finish the tournament with, I don't think the crowd was rude or sth else, it's what it would have looked like in any host country (not only on the Balkans) of a final tournament anywhere in the world (except Japan and China, I guess
I agree with HeeelMooi about his comments some time ago on Rodrigo Pinto. Today I watched him for the first time, I absolutely agree that he is not nearly as good as Vissoto, or even some of the other alternatives Bernardinho had, and he indeed jumps like Goofy
Also, the substitutions between Bruno/Vissoto and Marlon/Rivaldo were a complete mistery
I am a bit disappointed by the very weak and demotivated Cuba today. I expected them to fight for the medals, which they completely deserve, but it was an easy match for the Russians...
I am Brazilian and I watched this match and I haven't seen anything wrong with the Serbian audience. They were supportive towards their team and they were trying to help Serbia to take advantage of playing in Beograd, nothing more than that. Maybe there might have happened something I missed. Anyway, this is volleyball, not tennis or gymnastics, and the audience has the right to voice their preference. This is part of the game!
It was nice to see Brazil's team winning its 8th title of the World League. I thought Serbia would beat Brazil today, I was aware that they were favourites to win the Gold Medal. Anyway, Brazil's team plays consistently in all the fundamentals and the young players are eager to achieve the same results the stars of the team have achieved in the past. This should have made the difference in today's match.
I have one doubt about the semifinal match. The Brazilian Press was saying that Russia has played against Serbia without 3 players (Kazakov, Tetiukin and Volkov) so that they would face Brazil, not Cuba, in the semifinals and that was an extra motivation for the team. I do not think if that was the case, but as I haven't seen this match, I would like to ask if this really was Russia's strategy. Does anyone know anything about that?
@ YavorD
You will never see such a volleyball-audience in North-West-European countries like The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany..
I've never seen so many mistakes from all the referees in a volleyball match so far. Loderus and Hobor are very experienced but, unfortunately, maybe not enough...
line referee were absolutly horrible but i think 1st and 2nd referee did fine job today
of course there was a mistake but there wasn't so many of them
final of ECH between Russia and Spain was definitly worse
i dunno if that was Russia strategy to avoid Brazil but those player didn;t start in starting line up with Serbia -that would be weird cus Brazil is definitly better team than Cubaanyone know who get individual awards??
You will never see such a volleyball-audience in North-West European countries like The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany..
I still can't understand what wrong you saw tonight regarding the Serbian crowd, but that's your opinion! I am studying in Germany and I can say this will probably never happen in a volleyball hall simply because Germans don't care that much for volleyball (compared to football)!!! But I am not going to discuss it further since it's just a volleyball forum!
But I am not going to discuss it further since it's just a volleyball forum!
I totally do I. case closed!
I am Brazilian and I watched this match and I haven't seen anything wrong with the Serbian audience. They were supportive towards their team and they were trying to help Serbia to take advantage of playing in Beograd, nothing more than that. Maybe there might have happened something I missed. Anyway, this is volleyball, not tennis or gymnastics, and the audience has the right to voice their preference. This is part of the game!
It was nice to see Brazil's team winning its 8th title of the World League. I thought Serbia would beat Brazil today, I was aware that they were favourites to win the Gold Medal. Anyway, Brazil's team plays consistently in all the fundamentals and the young players are eager to achieve the same results the stars of the team have achieved in the past. This should have made the difference in today's match.
I have one doubt about the semifinal match. The Brazilian Press was saying that Russia has played against Serbia without 3 players (Kazakov, Tetiukin and Volkov) so that they would face Brazil, not Cuba, in the semifinals and that was an extra motivation for the team. I do not think if that was the case, but as I haven't seen this match, I would like to ask if this really was Russia's strategy. Does anyone know anything about that?
Hey Mateo, my friend! Wassup?
Well, the Brazilian commentators were saying Russia didn't play with half of the team against Serbia in the beginning of the Final Round of the World League cause they wanted to play against Brazil, not Cuba, in the semifinal match of this tournament. According to them, the Russian strategy was to play against Brazil cause they have had tough matches against Cuba and they thought it would be easier to beat Brazil, considering that Russia beat Brazil the last two times both teams faced each other.
I can see it is logical to think this way, but as I haven't watched this match, I cannot say a thing about this. That is why I am asking such question in this forum. As some sports journalists are not very reliable in Brazil, I would like to know if anyone has any other information about this.
Strange if Serbia manage to perform well in ECH 2009. We play first game against them. It'll be very hard I know, but Kazyiski and Superbobo and Nikolov hopefully will do their best.