2014 FIVB World Championship - Italy - 9/23

  • I think the same, Hui today is the key for Usa, in first set it was her 3-4 spike attempts that made that 2-3 points for USA

  • China with 4 points in a row :wavy: this set got tight :D and another smart spike with using block :thumbup:

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • USA need Destinee Hooker back if they want to win Olympic Gold :/

  • Congratulations USA :cup: it didn't look so good throughout season but they made it :thumbsup:

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • USA won 3-1
    Oh god
    Good match
    26-24 in the last set

  • What a thrilling 4th set and WOW to Kim Hill, what an incredible match she played :obey: She would totally deserve MVP after today's and yesterday's performance!!!

    Congratulations to USA, it comes quite as a surprise considering their weak performances earlier this summer but Kiraly's system started to work in the right time. Also congratulations to China, they may be sad now but silver is a great result for them too!

  • Kim Hill was amazing..she was better than Jordan..MVP on today match
    Big future for her :)

  • Big win for USA! Fantastic game by Hill. She is like the female version of Mika. :D Congratulations. :flower: But I am also impressed of Lang Ping and the way she changed the style of playing of her team in the third set.

    Who's gonna be the MVP? Hill? Glass?

  • Chinese libero destroyed a possible amazisini comeback ;( ;(

    Chinese libero always send set point at crucial times :mad:

    Anyway great fight from my girls! Congrats US girls!

  • Kim Hill after quite good performance throughout whole tournament and especially in last games may get MVP ^^

    Chinese Libero Zhan Chen struggling in reception spoilt an opportunity for tiebreak.

    Gold medal - World League 2013 Prediction Game
    Bronze medal - World League 2012 Prediction Game

  • clutch kills by hill at the end of the match. WOW. first ever WCh for US and we have a new champion. it's about time for US to win something big. congrats to all the US team and karch.

    sad for CHN specially the young players. they did so well and hopefully they'll continue to improve. what a match. if CHN kept surging, who knows what would have happened in 5th set??????

  • Congratulations USA! Very deserved title, they were the msot consistent team in the tournament I think.

    And Kim Hill... :obey: what a tournament deserves the MVP.

    Will polsat broadcast the awarding ceremony?