there is always so much drama in the Dutch matches. lol

2018 FIVB World Championship - Japan
Busa's reception is really bad
Busa reception just collapsed in the clutch moments. Not even a high pass from the 20 point on.
Balkenstein was so determinant in the over time. I didnt expect so much responsability on attack from her in the last points.
what a come back by Ned! 8-1 points (20-16 to 21-24), before Boskovic woke up, but then Ned kept fighting. Good job!
I think it's time for Malesevic, at the end of the 2nd set Busa was playing for Holland not Serbia.
Great fighting spirit by NED though.
Agreed, Busa has got to get off the court now.
Busa needs a good kill block or something to juice her up ... she looks like she's afraid they might set the ball to her
Watching this match, I think the gold will be the winner of the CHN v. ITA.
Netherlands should fire this coach (Karch's student?), his double subs always make them lose.
I have no clue why Morrison does those double subs. I know Dijkema is not a good blocker, but Sloetjes is so important for this team that it seems simply stupid to take her off.
I also really don't understand that double sub...
I'm really liking Knip (but I only watched parts of the match)
I guess that was Japan thanking Serbia in a way for their help in round 2. That ball was digged by Knip. Serbia, you are disgusting with what you did. You have no shame or honor or whatsoever.
I thought it touched the floor on the side...
Anyway, terrible errors by Dijkema in the 18th point by Ned (teo bad sets and an horrible second intention ball), thanks for them Boskovic spiked out...
Congratulations to Serbia for their first ever WCH final (IIRC)!
Netherlands fought really hard
master class in tipping by Brankica
Congrats Serbia! Well deserved win! NED fought their heart out, unfortunately it just wan't enough.
Get the gold now girls!
The interviews of this WCH have overall been really good. Had the chance to hear some players talk for the first time.
Did Maya just mention China?
I guess it's because the Italian team was the hot favourite to win the SF against the Chinese team in the 2014 WCH. Moreover the host team already beat CHN in the earlier group match... so who might think the team could beat the host?
And as usual practice, the tickets were sold out much in advance... the home crowd did think their team would play in the final. So bought already, just enjoyed the match
Well, then we should believe Japan fans didn't even bought in advance the final 6 tickets, because the third day the hall was empty.
Unless they don't like to waste money...
I mean, for me this is exactly the point: you should host the competitions in a country that will buy in advance the tickets of the last phases... and then attent its despite the teams playing.