2019 Challenge Cup

  • What a collapse!

    Who was the cuban who was serving in the 4th set and thanks to her, Volero came back? Casanova or Herrera?

  • I don't get what happened either. :what: Was there a rotation error?

    No it wasn't, than point would go to Volero. They repeated that point for nothing. It should be 24:23 for Monza in that moment.

  • 9-8 Monza...wow! What a rollercoaster!

  • Monza won 13-15.... Phew, good!! After that shady moment at 23 23 Volero winning would literally make me puke. Great mental strength to stay in the game of Monza after set 4 choke + shady decision + set 5: 5-1 down!

  • 3:2 for Monza, but that match should ended in 4th set, I still can't believe it what referees have done :white:

    If Adams don't play second semi-finals and finals than It can be true that She signed only for Seria A and for less matches. Strange.

  • I agree with you runnerupster! It wasn't easy at all, but they proved to be a strong team. Now nothing is decided yet: they must win also in the return match, without giving anythnig for granted!

  • I can't believe that CEV can't even put stats on time on their web page. This are semi finals my God -.-

    What I can't expect is that Monza has problem with serve because they have 4 jump servers. Both teams are using Molte ball in their league if I'm not wrong...

    I don't know what is Seria A is waiting to change their ball, every coach says that ball is their main problem in CEV competition....

    The stats are uploaded by host team not by CEV

  • Nr 10 of Turkish league, Aydın imo is so bad sometimes (especially reception) and they have dumb coach that ignores player like Fulden Ural...

    Monza is a strong team in Italy, definitely my favorites in this cup. Will be interesting to see still though this final.

    I was most excited for CEV tbh but Gala choked... :sleeping:

    Did you see Fulden's stats? She is attacking like 10-20% :white:she is not playing well at all

  • Aydin's case is a bit different though. While most teams designed their squads already in April, Aydin did not know they would play in VVSL instead of Bursa which came pretty late. Still they did a good job finding the best players they could afford at that point. Next year, I am sure they will have a better transfer plan.

    I think their main weakness is opposite. Martinez sisters are doing excellent, with a more reliable opposite, they could get better results. I also like that their managers are aiming high which will most likely bring better competition next season to the league. The problem is there will be local elections in Turkey in the end of March, 2019 and their municipality might change from the opposition party to AKP. I hope Özlem Cercioglu stays since she seems ambitious about volleyball.

    A final remark, Aydin plays their homematches with a very big crowd, which most teams in VVSL appreciated a lot.

  • Aydin's case is a bit different though. While most teams designed their squads already in April, Aydin did not know they would play in VVSL instead of Bursa which came pretty late. Still they did a good job finding the best players they could afford at that point. Next year, I am sure they will have a better transfer plan.

    I think their main weakness is opposite. Martinez sisters are doing excellent, with a more reliable opposite, they could get better results. I also like that their managers are aiming high which will most likely bring better competition next season to the league. The problem is there will be local elections in Turkey in the end of March, 2019 and their municipality might change from the opposition party to AKP. I hope Özlem Cercioglu stays since she seems ambitious about volleyball.

    A final remark, Aydin plays their homematches with a very big crowd, which most teams in VVSL appreciated a lot.

    I highly doubt Aydın voting Erdogan to be honest. Aydın is quite an Aydın city :D(Aydın even means enlightened, progressive, intellect in Turkish btw)

    If you think it's because of some pollings that AKP made then relax, Erdogans boys think they will even win Izmir :rolll::rolll:

    I also hope Özlem Cercioglu stays, its nice to have some female leaders in Turkey and I hope Aydın can pick her again and set the good example. But I mean you never know indeed in a country where Anadolu Agency who we should trust to count our votes is even promoting AKP on their twitter lmao

  • Did you see Fulden's stats? She is attacking like 10-20% :white:she is not playing well at all

    I don't see a way she could play well this season so far tbh, from the mess that is Halkbank to a break, to playing on and off bits in Aydın