COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

  • Um...that's not how moderating works or how the dynamics of internet forums operate. You assign all the perceived positive atmosphere you associate with this site to Matthias' influence, but you clearly don't wan't to associate the negative ones to him. That's a contradiction #1. But the much bigger problem is that when you have a completely hands-free, no-interference "moderation" (and what exactly is being "moderated" then?), then the atmosphere and dynamics of the site depend completely on its membership, and what that membership brings with it, either toxicity and attention-seeking insecurity, or healthy debate and discussion.

    But as with real life, negative voices are always the loudest, and even one rotten apple can spoil the whole bunch. Witness: this site. That's the whole purpose of internet moderation: to remove rotten apples. That is why Matthias is a failure as a moderator, whether you realise it or not. We shouldn't have to be forced to ignore him (especially since the ignore function does not seem to be working!).

    well because negative ones are not created by Matthias, they are created by the newcomers who invaded this forum with all the unnecessary accusations and conflicts. So please get your contradictions straight.

    How do you know he has hands-free, no-interference "moderation"? Did you expect him report you every single moderating action he has done? since you don't know it, means he didn't do it. Logical fallacy #1

    I sincerely think that people here enjoy bashing crovolley just because it is a fun daily activity for you all. Otherwise just block and avoid him for a week, just a week! and you will see the problem will be gone and we can continue to talk about volleyball (if anything left to talk about nowadays)

  • Altinli just wants to be admin, She wants rules and She is the first one who is breaking one.

  • How do you know he has hands-free, no-interference "moderation"?

    By the simply fact that crovolley is allowed to still be a member of this site. That tells me that there is, indeed, a hands-free no-interference moderation, since if you don't remove such an all-consuming cancer, then what ARE you doing? Clearly nothing of note.

    Let me ask you one very simple question: Given the choice, would you rather:

    1)That crovolley be perma-banned (and his double accounts as they pop-up, and they are easily recognisable; hell, I recognised MyNameIst as his double account, without having the privilege of accessing the members' accounts).

    2)That present condition continues

    If your choice is the first, then why do you defend Matthias' enabling of the second? I suspect you conflate his personal qualities and his posting history (his knowledge and passion for volleyball, his contribution to the site as a poster etc.) on one hand with his moderating performance on the other, and are willing to excuse (or even deny) the latter for the sake of former. But it is possible for one and the same person to be an an admirable person with deep passion for the subject AND a lousy moderator.

  • What kind of utopia do you live in that you think once there is a rules section the trolls will read them all and will behave as such reasonable people all of a sudden?:what: While Crovolley said many times that he will get other accounts if you ban him, what's the point of banning him (pope was banned from this forum many times but he kept coming back) the only way is to block him. Why is it so hard to avoid someone? "oh I see what he likes" don't be such a snowflake!:aww: I blocked Umu11 but I can still see he is liking every single post of beri, should I also demand Umu11 to be banned from the forum just because I can't handle seeing his messages quoted by others or I see what he liked?

    You only responded to part of my comment because it suited you, but already as you ask me I explained nicely, I did not say anywhere that the rules themselves would provide anything and that people would change by reading them but in combination with the person who he should enforce these rules, "punish" those who do not respect them, so the world in which you live functions, does not function by ignoring problems and if you ignore it will pass, so it is in life, so it is here, with what I do not have here opportunity to ignore it. Even the story about blocking was only answered to the part that suits you, I'm not interested in what he liked and that's not my problem but I mentioned it as a disadvantage of blocking ability, crovolley made a lot of active threads and this block option does not work at all. If the blockchain function works as a social networking site, for example, I would probably not comment on any of this, although even then I stand firmly behind the my opinion that there must be some rules and a person to control whether they are respected. The fact that someone can create a new profile in my opinion is no problem, if even from that new profile it breaks the rules simply ban him, if he is so bored and makes 1000 profiles and on every one behave the same 1000 I will ban them.

    Everyone here has someone who has blocked, or at least someone likes him more, for various reasons, you do not like, you are not interested, you are not interesting, ........ i liked this forum even more, but i don't think they affect the overall appearance and atmosphere of the forum (only to me personally and subjectively, but this is an online forum these are things that are quite acceptable for the web environment) but no one does he does not act like this idiot, and it is not my opinion but the fact and the need to ban him.

  • Oh God second day and still hot topic on this forum

    Stop com about me, post more about THREAD that you are posting and everything will get better.

    Wasiting your time talking about me, what is wrong with you guys ? :what:

  • Some days ago Trump declared that his government will close the border with Canada due the people who live there wants to go to the States. This article explains detailed why nobody who lives in Canada would go to USA.…ew-york-canada-responses/

    In the other hand, it really amuses me how a country like El Salvador, which is one of the poorest country in the region, has been one of the first country who took an early stand against COVID-19. This centroamerican country barred entry to nearly all foreigners, required a 30-day quarantine for Salvadorans arriving from other countries, suspended schools for three weeks, and halted gatherings of 500 people or more – all before it had registered a single positive case.

    Likewise, they have just released new measures in order to relief the economic impact for people and businesses.

    For a three-month period, affected parties will be exempt from payments for electricity, water, mortgages and personal loans, credit cards, telephones, cable and internet, among other services.…-those-hit-by-coronavirus…els-fears-of-an-iron-fist

  • When El Salvador has way better president than USA :gone:

    Only yesterday 24k new cases and more than 900 deaths and this is not there peak :(

  • In Canada, supported the American government closing it's borders with us.

  • Turkey tested almost 40K people in one day yesterday.

    More than 20K are tested positive now. Scientists from the medical school of Istanbul University say no matter what they do now it's going to be like Italy and Spain most probably. They blame the government for not buying tests quicker and said damage prevention is much more effective than damage control what they are doing now.

    Turkey closed borders with affected countries pretty quickly actually and shut down planes to and from Italy quick, however they also used this entire 'Turkey has no cases' thing to attract worldwide tourists as long as possible, even spend millions on ads so they could profit... Well... it is not rocket science that they could still bring the virus to the country except to the Turkish government.

    source for numbers: CNN

    Also it's being told though that the majority of the world is not honest with numbers, you will get a small number if you only test 500-1K ppl a day obviously which is what most do. Many countries death rate is much higher as well as people not tested, that end up losing their lifes are NOT reported as COVID-19 deaths!

  • But what do you have from massive testing if you don't have many cases ?

    In Croatia if someone is positive they immeditaly put every contact in isolation, than they test them and even though they are negative. They test them few more times in next few days. And if someone is positive from persons who were in the contact they test contacts from that person. And in mid time they are in home isolation. Police checking them all the time...

    Quaratine is way more important and social distance.

    No home migration, only with mobile app(bar cods) for jobs and hospital.

    We closed everything(parks, caffe etc.), in food stors their is limited number of people in it. 2M distance is literally everywhere. Everyone respect that.

    In our region Istria, region where many peoples works in Italy. They made quaratine frome the day when Italy become such huge problem and they don't have any new cases 5 days in row.

    From the day 1 we closed out hospital and nursing homes. We work in teams. 2 weeks 12hours every day than 2 weeks rest. And so on.

    Every store, and everything that is working has hygen and you can't go in if you didn't clean your hands first, protection glass even in bakeries.

    I don't We our doing just fine job FOR NOW.

  • Massive tests for bigger countries especially if they didn't take this situation seriously.

    Maybe I'm boring but almost 99% of new cases are people who are in home isolation, and normal we are doing test for everyone who are felling any problems.

    That is why we don't have huge death rate, and people who died are 60% over 90years with huge healt problems. Average is around 88 years old.

    And they said they didn't die FROM Corona, they die WITH.

    SLOVENIA has done AMAZING job with Corona. One of the best in the World.

    Edit: This is NOT bragging I'm proud, I would be angry AF if situation is opposite.

  • I haven't been here at all lately, it's definitely a scary time all over the world, please be safe all of you.

  • Hi Emil! It's nice to see you again.:wavy:

    Thanks for the well wishes, and I hope you are being safe as well.

  • Hvala lijepa :)

    I'm well myself fortunately, even though I'm not in a self-quarantine, this period really gets me think of lots of things.

    Yeah please be safe, at the end we all will realize nothing matters but health ;)

  • It will depends on US, but only today We have 30% less new cases than yesterday and like I said It, %, depends about US final numbers.

    Today numbers can be better than in last 4 days. I hope this is the new trend.

    Chinese doctors had discovered brand new things, very important ones, about virus and they are saying that even now reaserch are going superfast. So cure and vaccine will come way faster than usally.

    Come on World :heart: