Serbian Women's NT 2023

  • With every single match counting for world ranking, no team can afford playing anything with B teams now, especially not the teams that aim for a good ranking with regards to OG qualification.

    Italy and Serbia can afford it.

    Poland and Germany just dont need to lose matches against low ranked teams and there is no many in VNL. They will not lose much points losing to Brasil, USA, Japan or China. Of course all depends of their groups in OQT, if they end up with 3 stronger teams than them maybe they need to count every single ranking points.

  • I kept Jegdic out from core team just for one reason, she dont need to fight for her spot in the team but she played only 2 games for the senior national team. So will be nice for she to have few games in her legs before important competitions, so we can rest Pusic more.


    I thinks this WCH U21 is important for our players, finally there will be asian teams, and adding Brasil and USA that would be nice experience for them,

    But i would totally add them for the ECH roster as 4th MB, 4th OH, 2nd Libero...


    our 2003/04 team also have Aleksandra Djordjevic, 2003 MB from Ub, she is very good. Also Punisic from Jedinstvo is very good libero, better than Zupic and Kujundzic.


    baic is not part of that team anymore, 2005/2006 are now gang ^^

  • When I saw almost 20 new posts in the last couple of hours, I was sure it was going to be a fight of some sort...:rolll:

  • Tijana Milojevic is also doing very well in China and I think she could get a chance

  • Tijana Milojevic is also doing very well in China and I think she could get a chance

    True, i should have put ..... because i had know that i will forgot someone.

  • Yes, i think she is right.

    Before season i had impression Djurdjevic is much better, now i dont see much difference.

    Djurdjevic supposed to be better, and she was, but last seasons aren't the best ones for her. Still i put her because she has really huge potential, working with Guidetti should help her a lot.

  • There's a swirl of emotions right now in me, but the dominant one is disgust. Disgust at Santarelli for being a cheap bitch, disgust at OSSRB for being cheap bitches, disgust at TVF for shamelesly throwing around their Erdogan money and perhaps most distressingly, disgust and shame toward myself for ever liking Turkish NT because this is not the first time they did such a dastardly move, and I was blind to it because it didn't concern me and my interests. It isn't pleasant to be confronted with irrefutable evidence that you are self-centred and lack empathy. For what it's worth, I'm sorry Dutch fans. :(

    I understand the strong emotions regarding things like this. But when you get offered 4x the salary and Serbia isn't negotiating with him to counter that offer, he has the right to take Turkey's offer. And it's not like Guidetti is a bad exchange. Santerelli will inherit a dysfunctional team anyways.

  • Guidetti is a coach that always wanted to play all competitions with full power

    Maybe give rest to boskovic but the rest....

    It could be difficult for new players

  • Guidetti is a coach that always wanted to play all competitions with full power

    Maybe give rest to boskovic but the rest....

    It could be difficult for new players

    I think TVF was desperate for wining some medals, so he probably always feel much pressure in every single competitions.

    But here, there will be no expectations for winning VNL medals.

  • I think TVF was desperate for wining some medals, so he probably always feel much pressure in every single competitions.

    But here, there will be no expectations for winning VNL medals.

    a country where all the big superstars in volleyball play, of course they want their own nt to be at the very top otherwise what's the point

  • a country where all the big superstars in volleyball play, of course they want their own nt to be at the very top otherwise what's the point

    Which is counterproductive in the sense that the VB superstars play against each other while their local players get very little chance to play so their level don't go up as much.

  • I’ve been reading this forum for months now, first time actually posting anything. (be nicee :heart:)

    My opinion on the Santarelli-Guidetti saga: I think that Santarelli bet on his coaching ability and ultimately decided that all the extra work with Turkey is worth the bigger salary compared to the Serbian NT. And Serbian NT bet on their players. And I would agree more with them. I think that the coach doesn’t move the needle as much as the players do, but i guess that the verdict on that will be after the next summer.

    On the fit of Guidetti and serbian players: I don’t personally think that there will be any problems. I think that the hierarchy is much clearer in the serbian squad. Giovanni's style of coaching is probably closer to Terzic, and the girls were doing great stuff in that system for years. People have been saying that he is a more negative coach than Santarelli, and I would agree and point out that there is no more negative coach than Terzic so I don’t think that there will be any problems on that end.

    My only concern would be with how much he decides to play our current main roster(Boskovic, Drca, Busa, Lozo, Stevanovic). We saw the consequences of the turkish NT choices to almost exclusively play their main 6 in every tournament. By the end of each tournament, their most important players were injured or not in a good enough form physically. How much of this management was on Gio and how much was on the turkish federation i can’t decide.

    I think that last year's VNL gave such a boost of confidence to the players and it gave a chance for Santarelli to get to know every girl on the roster except Tijana - which everyone knows what she brings to the team. For example, it gave a chance for Santarelli to know the condition of Brankica, which you remember was in the starting six first game of VNL, but was only used in certain situations by the end of VNL; using Aleksic for the whole summer but putting Popovic in the finals when Maja's form fell a bit off, and with Mina giving you a bit more experience. So I think that it would be a mistake to only bring young players to VNL 23 and expect him to know the main roster very well considering such small gaps between the tournaments to actually train with them. Maybe starting with the young roster and then, every other week putting in some more experienced players, and if we manage to go to the final week of VNL to play with the main roster.

    But I agree that we don’t need to worry as much about losing ranking points as some other teams so maybe a young roster for the whole VNL is not such a bad idea.

    Sorry for the long post. :rose: