I'm also not too fond of Karch's time-out speeches. Sure, there are times when a coach needs to calm down and encourage the team, but not in EVERY time-out. It's the time to tell the players what they can do better, give information about certain tactics of the opponent etc. Coaches can have only limited influence during the match because it is hard to reach the players, but only telling them to take a breath all the time won't help either...
Exactly. He reminded me of Terzic in the beginning of Serbian team back in the day, when he'd repeat "Relax, calm down, let's play our game, we'll come back" over and over again like a parrot while the entire team is collapsing. Yeah, really useful.
Brazil won this on sheer experience, but they're hardly spectacular. It will be fun to watch how this American team develops in future, they certainly have a lot of potential.