CEV Champions League 2019

  • :what::what: Her blocking is great but her attack is average imho. Yesterday she just couldn't kill any ball

    I'm sorry for Stevanovic instead. She's a world class middle but she is in a terrible shape this season

    I agree, Adenizia has always been a bad attacker. She has the power, but can't score regularly.

  • Detalhes

    I agree, Adenizia has always been a bad attacker. She has the power, but can't score regularly.

    Adenizia in its 3 seasons in Italy with more than 50% in the attack. Played with Rondon, a very bad setter. Carlini who does not play with the central.

    Best blocker of the last editions. If it were American, would be considered the best in the world lol

  • Detalhes

    Adenizia in its 3 seasons in Italy with more than 50% in the attack. Played with Rondon, a very bad setter. Carlini who does not play with the central.

    Best blocker of the last editions. If it were American, would be considered the best in the world lol

    Don't even go there. Bahar also had great attacking stats in Italy, and nobody says she's a great attacker. As I already said, she is a good blocker, no need for you to mention it again. Adenizia has had many opportunities to prove herself on the international scene, and never has

  • Don't even go there. Bahar also had great attacking stats in Italy, and nobody says she's a great attacker. As I already said, she is a good blocker, no need for you to mention it again. Adenizia has had many opportunities to prove herself on the international scene, and never has

    Adenizia left Brazil late, only 30 years old. In the championships that he disputed with the national selection, always it left with a good percentage in the attack, in spite of being bank, because Jose Roberto does not have patience with her.

    Adenizia in the Brazilian championship won several titles of better blocker. The record is hers, and has never been reached by any player. His attack percentage has always been good. In Osasco VC she did double with Dani Scott, and was much better than the American. In several seasons it was better than Thaisa.

    Many do not like her for the contagious celebration, but she can not say that she is not a good player. Toksoy in spite of being weak, always had a good percentage of attack by which passed, including in the national selection.

  • IMHO she had her best season with Rondon as setter.

    Carlini and Malinov had/has to handle a very weak passing, first de la Cruz and now Vasileva.

    30% perfect passing means 2/3 of the game you're out of system.

  • I agree. She's underrated for no reason.

    I hope Ana Carolina da Silva leaves Brazil as soon as possible. She's 28 already, time to shine abroad instead of being wasted by Lloyd in Praia Clube.

  • Does anyone know how the quarterfinal clashes will be defined?

    I read that the top 4 best placed will stand on one side

    and the 5th best first place with the other 3 seconds on the other side.









    Fener x Moscow can not be (played in the group stage)

    Anyone facing Lodz or Sttugart will be in semi. Thinking well I hope Cone gets the rating rsrs

  • Our sports director Kim Renkema in Stuttgart told us, that there is no exclusion of pairings in the quarters due pool stage. But this was wrong, as CEV told at last, so also Vakif vs. Stuttgart is not possible. I think, Novara, Vakif and Vitra will easily proceed to the semis, regardless how the DOL ends, Fener is not that constant and stable and will face some risk even against Stuttgart IMHO.

  • No, I didn't. They're still a weak team to me. I just watched the 5th set and I wish I didn't, 'cause it was a very awful show: 2 teams choking big time, more mistakes than points and very poor level overall.

    Side note: Vasileva had her once in a while decent passing game, ending up with a 33% perfect reception, which is high considering her standards.

    Having 2 setting dependant players like Hill and Fabris is a well known problem for Imoco. Lowe can't change anything, 'cause she's another setting dependant player. Here you can see how much Hodge is missed. Sylla is the one who can change something and score out of system, but she's completely unstable along the game. Whenever Wolosz is just fast and not accurate, Imoco collapses.

    Well, is there any team that you don't call as choker? Seriously you keep telling this to almost all top clubs (especially the ones include Americans). and NTs. I am curious which teams are up to your expectations?:whistle:

    Side note: even most of defensive OHs can't get higher than 50% at perfect reception (talking about the ones using mikasa). To me, criteria should be positive reception when it comes to judge an offensive OH and 56% positive out of 36 reception is pretty good stat from an offensive OH

  • The official rule of drawing of lots is published on cev website.

    Best four of five Group 1st place will be in one drawing pool. the fifth of group leaders and three 2nd places will be in anthoer drawing pool.

    So. Novara, vakifbank, eczvitra and fenerbache will be the first group.

    I guess stugart, scandi, moscow,and lodz/imoco will be the second group!

  • I don’t see Moscow as strong team, I don’t believe than non team from 1st group will have hard time against them.

    My God I just looke at stats, did Vargas really had 12 errors and got blocked 11 time ???? And She had 6 errors on serve, overall 29 errors in just one match :what::gone:

  • I don’t see Moscow as strong team, I don’t believe than non team from 1st group will have hard time against them.

    My God I just looke at stats, did Vargas really had 12 errors and got blocked 11 time ???? And She had 6 errors on serve, overall 29 errors in just one match :what::gone:

    Moscow is not a strong team? How about Conegliano loosing for the Germans??

    Conegliano showed they don`t belong among the strongest teams.

  • Well, is there any team that you don't call as choker? Seriously you keep telling this to almost all top clubs (especially the ones include Americans). and NTs. I am curious which teams are up to your expectations?:whistle:

    Side note: even most of defensive OHs can't get higher than 50% at perfect reception (talking about the ones using mikasa). To me, criteria should be positive reception when it comes to judge an offensive OH and 56% positive out of 36 reception is pretty good stat from an offensive OH

    I find Albert Camus definition of the dandy from "L´Homme revolte" astonishingly "on point" when it comes down to try define the character of the man behind the account. He is a man who, in true post-modern fashion, takes a delight in playing with words. He makes a lot of knowledgable claims, but the analysis is generelly followed by an exaggerated conclusion, half-decent equals disastrous etc. Thus, the reality is rather obscured and distorted than clarified from his messages in the end.

  • Detalhes

    moscow won the fener last game

    Both Fener and Moscow aren’t top clubs. That pool was the weakest one. Same level teams, that is why it was “interesting”.