Looking for admin(s)

  • Going through the posts, it seems Olcay12 has been the only suggestion who actually agreed doing it. Is there anyone else ready to be a moderator?

    I have become fucking tired of this place in the last days and I don't want to do it anymore either. There are too many idiots who will keep doing their stupid fights no matter what, I neither have the time nor any interest to be the forum police telling people what to do or not. Those who keep complaining that "moderators let it happen", what about you guys trying to do the job?

  • Going through the posts, it seems Olcay12 has been the only suggestion who actually agreed doing it. Is there anyone else ready to be a moderator?

    I have become fucking tired of this place in the last days and I don't want to do it anymore either. There are too many idiots who will keep doing their stupid fights no matter what, I neither have the time nor any interest to be the forum police telling people what to do or not. Those who keep complaining that "moderators let it happen", what about you guys trying to do the job?

    runnerupster Let's be a Turkish duo:box:

  • Going through the posts, it seems Olcay12 has been the only suggestion who actually agreed doing it. Is there anyone else ready to be a moderator?

    I have become fucking tired of this place in the last days and I don't want to do it anymore either. There are too many idiots who will keep doing their stupid fights no matter what, I neither have the time nor any interest to be the forum police telling people what to do or not. Those who keep complaining that "moderators let it happen", what about you guys trying to do the job?

    Please, don't leave. <3🙏🏻

  • I can give green light for our sister olcsay, if she promise not to delete every second of her own posts 😂

    I do not know what you're talking about:roll:

  • Olcay12 is a mod now? We definitely need someone to represent turkish community on forum. I can't bear how racists this forum towards turks anymore.

    I'll (finally :gone:) take care of that soon.

    But let me give you one thought: could the behavior of some Turkish users (to make it clear: very few of them, and there are many many more of them that I like and appreciate :heart:) play a role in the anti-Turkey-attitude you perceive? And before someone hints to me that this is victim blaming: it's my opinion based on forum's development in the last years.

  • Olcay12 is a mod now? We definitely need someone to represent turkish community on forum. I can't bear how racists this forum towards turks anymore.

    you are not angels. For sure lol

  • No need to victim-blame as you already realize 😂 Even if Turkish users are sometimes shitty, it's the same with any ethnicity here, I personally just started trolling everyone and I don't really care lol. But realistically it's because Turks are just larger in number so naturally more people get annoyed with them. The largest active group here are Turks. A while ago I feel like that was Brazilians and then they faced the same hate iirc. Serbians and Italians are another large group and are also disliked so there is a trend ahaha.

    However to suggest some specific Turkish users attitude is justified reason for the entire group to face racism and hate is ridiculous though.

    I think Olcay as representation sounds great 👍 but also in general as a mod.

  • But let me give you one thought: could the behavior of some Turkish users (to make it clear: very few of them, and there are many many more of them that I like and appreciate :heart:) play a role in the anti-Turkey-attitude you perceive?

    Yes, there are lots of attitude problem from turkish side as well. Do you think that did you cause this with simply doing nothing? Such as not deleting a post which calls a turkish person "taliban"...Just giving a warning was enough for you. But then someone else brought up "srebrenica" and you deleted the post.

    Can you explain why? Taliban vs Srebrenica. What is the difference.

    From turkish perspective, it looks like you are racist towards turks.

  • Hold me tight like a rubber band, fight for me like a talibaaan, don't go faaar away from me don't go far away from me. Touch me touch me touch me 🎶🎶🎶

  • Acting aggressively towards everyone when you have different opinions and now they act like victims and calling others racist.

    Give ME A BREAK. Biggest hypocrites ever:rolll::rolll:

  • Acting aggressively towards everyone when you have different opinions and now they act like victims and calling others racist.

    Give ME A BREAK. Biggest hypocrites ever:rolll::rolll:

    When that Croatian user called him Taliban actually it was because he was calling him out on calling German women too ugly.

    Such agresssion to think it's bad to call an entire ethnicity ugly 👍👍👍 I agree with you

  • I'll (finally :gone:) take care of that soon.

    But let me give you one thought: could the behavior of some Turkish users (to make it clear: very few of them, and there are many many more of them that I like and appreciate :heart:) play a role in the anti-Turkey-attitude you perceive? And before someone hints to me that this is victim blaming: it's my opinion based on forum's development in the last years.

    what is your reason for allowing rasicts comments towards Turkish people? Is this because there are some you think bad?

  • I'm neither turk nor from Turkey. But I can say one thing that I'm from a country that has always had good relations with Turkey (and I myself have a very good relationship with Turkiye and with turks). If I become a mod, I can promise that I will treat everyone fairly, regardless of their race:)

  • I'm neither turk nor from Turkey. But I can say one thing that I'm from a country that has always had good relations with Turkey (and I myself have a very good relationship with Turkiye and with turks). If I become a mod, I can promise that I will treat everyone fairly, regardless of their race:)

    You are like 10 days in forum ^^