Politics and social issues

  • This, but I also want to add that first, before celebrating, we must first make sure that dictator will accept the results and walk away, which is far from certainty. Unlike Trump, this guy actually has the support of the military.

    Today we celebrate. Fuck him if he doesn't accept the result. Today he already tried a coup using the police to suppress voters, he spent billions on propaganda and committed a crime a day. And he lost. And he'll keep losing. We won. We fucking won!

  • Today we celebrate. Fuck him if he doesn't accept the result. Today he already tried a coup using the police to suppress voters, he spent billions on propaganda and committed a crime a day. And he lost. And he'll keep losing. We won. We fucking won!


  • Bolsonaro proclaims: “We are against abortion, gender ideology, and the legalization of drugs. And we are the defenders of the Brazilian family "

    Well, he certainly helped himself with that xd

  • Is Lula a good guy or is he just not Bolsonaro? He was president before, yes?

    I'm a USA person. I know very little about other countries

  • Is Lula a good guy or is he just not Bolsonaro? He was president before, yes?

    I'm a USA person. I know very little about other countries

    Lula isnt the best option but better than Bolsonaro imo.

    Lula was a President in 2002-2010.

  • Lula did a lot for Brazil and we had our best years with him as president.. there is no such thing as "best option", he was the only option

  • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensal%C3%A3o_scandal

    The source isnt the best but for sure there is some information.

    I cant talk properly in English but I Will write my opinion in Portuguese:

    Lula foi uma melhor escolha que Bolsonaro.

    Bolsonaro foi um político que fez péssimas declarações e escolhas a respeito da saúde (vacinação, COVID e etc), dos direitos humanos ( No âmbito das minorias e democracia) e etc. Promoveu uma escalada armamentista e utilizou da religião e de um falso moralismo para se promover entre os conservadores. Além de colocar o governo do PT ( Lula) como uma ditadura esquerdista e o Bolsonarismo como a solução.

    Lula teve um bom governo e avanços na educação principalmente. Mas teve um governo marcado por alguns escândalos de corrupção. Acredito que a corrupção esteja na natureza da grande maioria dos políticos, infelizmente. E não acredito que Lula seja isento. Mas o fato de ocorrerem investigações (liberdade para apurar os fatos) é algo positivo, na minha opinião. Haja vista que em alguns governos ocorrem grandes interferências. Mas o partido dele ficou marcado como um partido corrupto.

    Espero que surjam novas pessoas capazes de conduzir o Brasil em uma próxima eleição. E a vitória de Lula representa a vitória da democracia.

  • Hillarious to See many members of the Brazilian men’s team get their asses handed to them.

    Wallace, Lipe, Lucas, Mauricio.

    Carol Solberg can samba dance on their bodies.

  • Well, let's hear it! Did you guys celebrate last night? On the scale of 1 to Paul Gascoigne, how drunk you were?

  • Well, let's hear it! Did you guys celebrate last night? On the scale of 1 to Paul Gascoigne, how drunk you were?

    I celebrated in the streets and got a bit drunk. I had to work very early today so I couldn't stay all night out, but it was a beautiful party!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3

  • I have reviewed IG Natalia and there are really a lot of negative comments

    Well, they are not the most liked with Tandara at the moment:gone: