Japan Women's NT 2021

  • Did Ishii play today? I noticed Koga is back in the roster which can only mean Ishii's not in the starting lineup anymore. That switch still made no sense to me

  • Erika Araki (Japan): "We are happy that we won, because it was a very difficult match. Belgium are a high-blocking team, they have a good service, so it was not easy to play against them. But we worked really well in defense and in reception and this gave us the victory today."


  • Erika Araki (Japan): "We are happy that we won, because it was a very difficult match. Belgium are a high-blocking team, they have a good service, so it was not easy to play against them. But we worked really well in defense and in reception and this gave us the victory today."


    Give us your thoughts. I wasn't able to catch it because of work. The 8 min highlight on youtube didn't really show what Araki was describing

  • Did Ishii play today? I noticed Koga is back in the roster which can only mean Ishii's not in the starting lineup anymore. That switch still made no sense to me

    I was disappointed that they didn't continue where they left off. Ishii's reception has been shakey and her role is no longer to outscore anyone like in 2019. She needs to start participating more but now I'm afraid that was her only chance at being a starter.

  • I don't see Ishii playing a vital role this time. I can't remember if she had a big impact during Rio.

    Koga has evolved into a different kind of player. She doesn't even look like she gets tired, both her and Kobata. I don't think anyone saw this coming from Koga, most people who don't follow Japan's volleysphere are just now recalling who she is.

  • Give us your thoughts. I wasn't able to catch it because of work. The 8 min highlight on youtube didn't really show what Araki was describing

    I hate to go stats, but if Belgium didn't make 33 errors (to Japan's 17), Japan easily loses the match. I think Araki just didn't want to say that so she went with the reputational template response. And Herbots blurb "no ball falls to the floor" is the same.

    Belgium played way better defense. That hustle stuff. Their passing isn't very confident but they were the ones "sticking to it". Japan had a lot of those awkward body language moments of "oops, maybe I should have gotten that. I thought someone else was going to."

    Every team makes a few good defensive plays. Japan had a few but they are supposed to have a lot.

    Mayu invented a new play, attempting a pancake while on her knees ?(

    Mayu's reception was about where she's been, keeping her as the tournament's best receiver but Koga slipped a little. I think the tilt in this game was instead of mostly excellent with a couple shanks, they offered up more "positives" and fewer shanks which prevented them from executing offensively as quickly as they need to. Yamada stepped up in the second half. That was pretty cool

  • I hate to say this but Mayu and Momii are so awkward at pancake-ing. Momii doesn't slide smoothly she tumbles and it's painful to watch her on the floor. She's at least saved more balls than Inoue though

  • what's wrong with stats? they're the best thing to manipulate to fit your own narrative.

    You're quoting me :)

  • I just noticed avid post and Japan isn't participating in the U18 tournament either. I can understand not playing U20 as Lovebunny is that coach and he's busy with other things but he's not the U18 coach :(

  • I hate to say this but Mayu and Momii are so awkward at pancake-ing. Momii doesn't slide smoothly she tumbles and it's painful to watch her on the floor. She's at least saved more balls than Inoue though

    Momii's kinda big and she's a little too stiff to slide as smoothly as Kobata does

  • I hate to say this but Mayu and Momii are so awkward at pancake-ing. Momii doesn't slide smoothly she tumbles and it's painful to watch her on the floor. She's at least saved more balls than Inoue though

    They say Japan girls dive like boys and that's what sets them apart. This new generation doesn't do that. Nobody dives like Miyashita, Risa, Yuki, Nabeya. Kobata an Inoue do, but even Sarina doesn't.

  • I just noticed avid post and Japan isn't participating in the U18 tournament either. I can understand not playing U20 as Lovebunny is that coach and he's busy with other things but he's not the U18 coach :(

    I'm guessing its related to covid/covid protocols. Not worth it for a week of play.

    CDC says Mexico is a level 3 (of 4) right now