Poland - Tauron Liga 2022/23

  • last year it was a good team really, this year its really doubtful :whistle:Conceicao is not Bidias although Kraiduba should be better than Baczynska but she doesnt show that (her spiking % yesterday was also not good)..they need to hire another good OH as soon as possible...and its not about disrespect, more about reality, that this team has no good reserve players and will have hard times to have last year´s results because other teams made better transfers and have more than 6 players to play..

    Bidias i Baczyńska is in Wrocław. Where is Wrocław in the Tauron Liga table? It is not individual blocks that count, but the whole as a whole. UNI has more than 6 players that can play. Youth from the square will surprise you more than once

  • Great match so far between ŁKS and Developres:drink: Orvosova vs Diouf especially but both teams looks good

  • nice level! Kalandadze is so strong :o nice to see Gorecka being that confident. Roberta... such a pleasure to watch. Honestly everybody's playing great

  • nice level! Kalandadze is so strong :o nice to see Gorecka being that confident. Roberta... such a pleasure to watch. Honestly everybody's playing great

    Gorecka goes for MVP today. She really feel great in ŁKS with Chiappini as coach:win:

  • Gabi came in Poland and is dressed up as Gorecka or what the hell is that? :what:

  • Kalandadze is strong, indeed, but she is not even 1/4 as good as Bajema. Joanna Kaczor said on TV that Blagojević has health issues - if it is true Szlagowska-Kalandadze reception line looks bad 😬

    At this moment ŁKS is favourite to win gold. With Lazović they will be even stronger

  • Kalandadze is strong, indeed, but she is not even 1/4 as good as Bajema. Joanna Kaczor said on TV that Blagojević has health issues - if it is true Szlagowska-Kalandadze reception line looks bad

    Kalandadze was weak in attack today but outside of that one ball in the time break her reception was great in this match much better than typical reception of Bajema. We’ll see how the season will look I think with playing full time Kalndadze can really grow as a player. Her serve :heart:

  • Gorecka play better in LKS like Centka play better in Rzeszów. Last season both played in Budowlani. I think its time for Fedusio to run away when its still not to late...

  • ŁKS from Lazovic will be even stronger :win:

  • It was kind of a monster match for Gorecka, Maj, Witkowska and Alagierska. They all did so well. And considering how reception is judged in Polish league, 62/38% from Maj is exceptional.

  • ŁKS Commercecon Łódź – Developres Bella Dolina Rzeszów 3:2

    (24:26, 25:13, 25:21, 22:25, 15:11)


    ŁKS: Witkowska (16), Diouf (23), Górecka (23), Ratzke (6), Alagierska-Szczepaniak (15), Scuka (8), Maj-Erwardt (libero) oraz Hryszczuk, Gajer

    Developres: Blagojević (8), Centka (12), Wenerska, Orvosova (28), Kalandadze (15), Jurczyk (9), Szczygłowska (libero) oraz Obiała, Przybyła (libero), Rapacz (1), Szlagowska (5), Bińczycka

    MVP: Zuzanna Górecka:super:

    Hope for more matches in TL this season:cheesy: