2022 FIVB Women's World Championships - Netherlands and Poland

  • well congrats for QF but in the circumstances its little bit disappointment..I dont expect a chance against Serbia at all, maybe if they will lock Boskovic somewhere in locker room

    They can do a la tonya harding also

  • In all seriousness, people should realize Quarter Finals are just one game and anything can happen. Serbia hasn't been challenged thus far so that's a great thing in one way but the moment they will start getting challenged, they might face some issues who knows. Honestly I think Poland has a chance (though I'll root for a Balkan semi-final)

  • They can do a la tonya harding also

    I dont wish her injury :mad: I meant like Serbians locked Polish girls in locker room after the match years ago maybe they can make it now back before the match to have chance :lol:

  • Congratulations for Polish team!!! :super::drink:

    I am so so proud:heart::rose:

  • In all seriousness, people should realize Quarter Finals are just one game and anything can happen. Serbia hasn't been challenged thus far so that's a great thing in one way but the moment they will start getting challenged, they might face some issues who knows. Honestly I think Poland has a chance (though I'll root for a Balkan semi-final)

    Well said. All matches so far have just been the appetizer. Only now the real stuff comes, and it's down to one match where anything can happen. Frankly, the biggest thing Turkey should worry about is their mental block against Serbia lately, NOT Serbia's form or good play (which as you said might very well crumple if pressured too much).

  • I’m so moved 🥹 It is a huge achievement. I don’t care that we will lose against Serbia 0:3, but I am so proud of this team. We couldn’t even dream about QFL after VNL. If Lavarini made so much without 4 key players (Smarzek, Czyrniańska, Łukasik and Kowalewska), everyone should be afraid of this team within next years :cheesy:

  • In all seriousness, people should realize Quarter Finals are just one game and anything can happen. Serbia hasn't been challenged thus far so that's a great thing in one way but the moment they will start getting challenged, they might face some issues who knows. Honestly I think Poland has a chance (though I'll root for a Balkan semi-final)

    same, Poland does have a chance against Serbia, but it will be tough but even if the result will be Serbia’s favor, Poland is back from its ashes after years

  • this Mirkovic thing is two-sides if im being honest, of course she is way behind Ogjenovic or Drca but there is a bug abscense of Serbian setters how can actually do something on court if something happens. Name one “better” than Sladjana with international experience

  • I don’t care with who we will play in 1/4 because playing in QF is a huge success for this team. It is their first season together and adding 3 missing wing spikers (I hope Smarzek will return) can make this team much better. Great lesson for them.

  • It is so nice to read how Polish fans are so humble. So happy for you guys and Poland !

    Wolosz this is for you :heart: