CEV Champions League 2021

  • This is one of the best match from Stysiak

    Amd one of the worst for Wolosz for now.

  • Please savino please

    Just get stysiak out of court

    You might lost the game but she's with pain and can't breathe properly

    It seems she gonna have a blackout

  • Well, we all knew in advance Scandicci is a great team "on paper", but wasnt not able to make the team play as "a team" (sorry for being repetitive), they usually played as a bunch of great players together, only that. But Scandicci has huge potential if they know how to make their game work, indee,d it is very dangerous.

    One of their weakness link is that seldom all their players performn at the same level, we have seen it many times during Serie A.
    Now, with great defenses, covering, etc, we are finally seeing them play like a team after so so so many matches.

    I wouldnt like to take praise from Scandicci, but at the same time Conegliano is underperforming a bit. And I do consider the main one is Wolosz. Her body language reminds me to her in the match against Turkey for the final of European Qualification to Tokyo. Things are going the way she wants, and like she is not used to this, she loses her mind quite easily. As well as against Turkey, during the clutch moments, she tends to set risky, make a "beautiful", not expected set, when in some rallies, you only have to keep it simple, no need to add a ribbon to the set.

    Great setters are more seen during the clutch moments, not when everything runs smoothly.

  • and malinov again doing fecisive balls to courtney

    Some people just doesn't learn

    This team she had luck

  • Wolosz timing is so off today, even Egonu having a hard time to adjust to her sets.

    Next to that, this match is another confirmation for me that Adams isn't made for this level...

  • I have feeling that this is end of Conegliano strike. Scandicci is not stoping and Conegliano keeps playing messy.

  • Popovic and Lubian doing great job today in block, not necessary stuff blocks, but great touches which contribute to the defense (actually integral part of) and later counter-attacks. Maybe this match will be "jumping board" to people start to think about Mina Popovic as great middle blocker and not just as serbian player.

  • I wasn't able to watch previous sets :( and Scandicci's greatness, as soon as I tuned in it went from what looked like they were securing a win when I first turned it on to a Conegliano lead...

  • I can't believe it that Conegliano made come back. I already though this is the end :white:

    They never give up

  • Although Egonu isn't playing her best match, she still is able to score a lot of points and be decisive for her team at the important times. She's worth every penny:obey: