CEV Champions League 2021

  • About Maya, I'm afraid it happened what I predicted in my prevision I posted here. She's a champion but she's almost 37, in a longer match her reflexes and decisions start to be affected by fatigue and her perfomance and resistence decreases.

    I don't think so. Her worst spell in the match was the end of set 2, she wasn't tired already. In the TB, I think her sets were OK but her decisions were wrong. It's tough though, as a setter you've got to trust Haak, she's the main attacker of the team and honestly Vakif wouldn't have won the match if she'd started ignoring Haak either. As I said, it's tough especially for setters, but she got the balance wrong.

    Honestly I think the pressure gets to Maja too often. The CWCH match between these teams from 2019 is one example, the famous Eczacibasi-Fenerbhace match when Eda kept blocking Boskovic in the golden set, even the OG final wasn't near her best game. Sometimes she gets it right, like the 2018 WCH final, and sometimes not. She's human, not a perfect robot.

  • OMG poor Zehra, Maja and Milena are being passed. Turkish social media is blaming Zehra solely :gone:

    I think that Zehra was not the problem.

  • They don't do dream teams anymore I think (last time they didn't), just MVP

    So let's do it ourselves! I won't, because I just watched this one and Fenerbahçe games(and we know no one from Fener will be in a Dream Team :whistle:)

  • my dream team:

    Wolosz - Haak

    Zehra- Robin

    Gabi - MBH


    MVP: Egonu

  • I don't think so. Her worst spell in the match was the end of set 2, she wasn't tired already. In the TB, I think her sets were OK but her decisions were wrong. It's tough though, as a setter you've got to trust Haak, she's the main attacker of the team and honestly Vakif wouldn't have won the match if she'd started ignoring Haak either. As I said, it's tough especially for setters, but she got the balance wrong.

    Honestly I think the pressure gets to Maja too often. The CWCH match between these teams from 2019 is one example, the famous Eczacibasi-Fenerbhace match when Eda kept blocking Boskovic in the golden set, even the OG final wasn't near her best game. Sometimes she gets it right, like the 2018 WCH final, and sometimes not. She's human, not a perfect robot.

    She just had the game on her hands in this set. Haak start to play and the OH duo was confident.

    She wasnt already good in first set.

  • Guidetti should have tried Kubra and Cansu IMO.

    I dont now if Kubra is health.

  • So let's do it ourselves! I won't, because I just watched this one and Fenerbahçe games(and we know no one from Fener will be in a Dream Team :whistle:)

    de Kruijf-Ogbogu
    De Gennaro

    That's what I would pick.

  • My picks:

    Opposite: Haak

    OH: Gabi, Bosetti
    MB: Fahr, de Kruijf
    Setter: Poulter
    Libero: de Gennaro
    MVP: Egonu

  • OMG poor Zehra, Maja and Milena are being passed. Turkish social media is blaming Zehra solely :gone:

    They are pro players who get paid by playing volleyball. They should be prepared for criticism from media.

    It's competitive sports after all. Growing up from tears is better than calling a Nanny.

  • Congrats to Imoco! They are clearly the team who played better in the deciding set and deserved the title. They finally managed to stop Haak in the middle of the 5th set while Egonu was unstoppable at the same time.

    Overall it’s a great match for all the fans as the match was pretty even and exciting. Maja’s setting issue to pos.4 isn’t something new. It has been appeared in her game quite often this season and I also pointed out this problem before, but to be honest it wasn’t the decisive factor causing Vakifbank to lose in the 5th set.

    Zehra’s performance tonight, especially that unforced error in the 5th set deserves criticism. But let not forget she’s still very young and it’s something young players have to experience and overcome in order to become really great players. Hope she can learn from it and further improve her game.

    I’m also happy for Hill, one of my favourite players, finally wins the CL title with Imoco, and probably played her last match of her club career. Her perfect reception in set 5 was so important to the win. (And I still don’t understand why Vakif kept serving at her instead of Adams to let Imoco comeback from 0-4 ?().

  • My picks:

    Opposite: Egonu

    OH: Gabi, Bosetti

    MB: Fahr,De kruijf

    Setter: Poulter

    Libero: de Gennaro

    MVO: Egonu

  • Seriously would anyone defend Zivkovic if she played like how Maja played today? I don't blame her for her choices but she had way too much too long or too low sets for her spikers. I mean, it was even too much for challenge cup level. She was beyond horrible, while Wolosz just played ok.

    Congratulations Conegliano :cup: After all those efforts, they finally got the cup! Considering how much they tried to get the trophy, it makes Vakifbank's success in last decade holier:saint:

  • I think most likely Egonu will win the title single handedly again. She is like playing at cheat mode. We have many other great players like Zhu or Boskovic but none of them could single handedly drag her team to a CL title whereas Egonu has done it and will do it again. I find Conegliano's game nothing special, fast game relying on solid reception and crumbling against good serving teams. But thanks to Egonu, probably they will win again anyways, look at the playoff games of Conegliano, against good opponents their game turned out to be boring -one-women-show with Egonu getting 40 points with almost 70% attacking ratio.

    As guidetti mentioned in his previous interviews, he couldn't find a way to stop Egonu yet (not that any other coach did) if he will by any chance manage that in this final, he will Deserve a big applause but probably with half of his team out of shape due to covid, it won't happen.

    I think Conegliano is favourite due to Egonu factor only. I feel like CL title during this decade will go to the teams where Egonu plays:white:

    Well, no surprise here. Egonu is Egonu, it seems to be impossible to beat her. Nowadays volleyball is a game everyone plays but at the end the team with Egonu wins it all.

    Congrats to Conegliano! I am happy for Hill, she has an amazing career track now by playing two best clubs at high level so many years. She is still young and could play another 5 years indeed. I hope she is only retiring from NT not club volleyball for good.

    MBs: All MBs except maybe Robin played terrible today. I am really surprised Fahr didn't play even a single set:what::aww: Zehra choked big time. I agree that Maja was partially responsible for her performance but she was so scared to attack critical balls, it can't be all on Maja. Rasiç had some good moments but she is a shadow of her old self. I am really curious how she will perform in OG.

    Setters: Maja was disappointing as everyone mentioned before. I understand that she was maybe excited to play such a final but these are the games a star player shows her difference. On the other hand, Wolosz wasn't great neither but I guess she will get the best setter title from Maja this time (if there will be a dream team)

    OHs: Sylla was bad at another final, it is becoming a thing now:aww: Good that Adams stepped up, but to me, Hill was the one who made the difference besides Egonu. Hill made amazing defenses especially towards the attacks of Haak.

    Liberos: I have to admit that I was unfair to Ayça, she wasn't good at the start of the game but she improved her performance during the latter part of the game. De Gennaro didn't shine today, she wasn't bad but it wasn't one of her spectacular performance

    Opps: Haak, showed why she should be considered one of the best Opps right next to Egonu and Boskoviç. She was previously criticized a lot for choking at OOS balls but at this game, she killed almost all OOS balls. Especially she attacked one of the hardest balls at 4th set, it was like a mic drop!:lol:

    Big applause to the Queen of volleyball, Paola Egonu. It is crazy that she won CL championship twice at the age of 23 already. I am really curious which team will manage to stop her in OG.

  • you don’t have to stop Egonu at the OG... you just have to make Sylla pass 😂😂 she won’t have an Adams to replace her

  • Just imagine C.Bosetti instead of Sylla in Conegliano :sos:

    Next year it will be even harder to beat Conegliano. I only see Novara can do it.

    What crazy season it is going to be in Seria A :white:

    Conegliano lost Hill but Vakifbank lost Maja.

  • you don’t have to stop Egonu at the OG... you just have to make Sylla pass 😂😂 she won’t have an Adams to replace her

    Gennary Bosetti duo seems pretty solid.