2022 FIVB Women's World Championships - Netherlands and Poland

  • Any link for BRA x JPN?

  • I think it is normal.Brasil atacking cant touch Japanese hands.it wont work like facing China and Italy.and Japan has very good deffence.Brasil is not a power house.the attcking height of brasil is not as good as ITA and CHN

    Brazil not a powerhouse? I disagree

  • What a rally between Bra and Japan...Carolana with the second touch tip :obey:

  • Not sure who wins it but I would like to thank Brazil and Japan! I am having a volleyball orgasm, probably the best match of this summer or for some years. Really really amazing job from both team, including amazing choices by coaches.

  • japan please i hope you learned from that semi final in 2010

    What a historic match. But I hope they didn't :cheesy:

  • Not sure who wins it but I would like to thank Brazil and Japan! I am having a volleyball orgasm, probably the best match of this summer or for some years. Really really amazing job from both team, including amazing choices by coaches.

    im having hot flashes lmfao

  • Not sure who wins it but I would like to thank Brazil and Japan! I am having a volleyball orgasm, probably the best match of this summer or for some years. Really really amazing job from both team, including amazing choices by coaches.

    Yes, especially after the messy games of the first two matches of QF with tons of errors. This level of play is what we hope for in the knockout rounds after 184572716382 pool matches.

  • I'm at work but not really working lmfao

  • what was that from Serbia in the second half of the set ...almost every spike in net or out

  • What a historic match. But I hope they didn't :cheesy:

    The 35x33 second set was just :rose:

    That match was a masterpiece, in all senses. Feel gutted for Japan, but we all wanted a BRA x RUS rematch in the finals. But that match is one of the best I have ever watched, pure volleyball. Fabiana waking up from the third set on, Sassa coming for the rescue, Takeshita, Saori and Ebata :cheesy: Amazing match.

  • Not even dust is touching the floor on Japan side, such an AMAZING display of defence:super:

  • im having orgasms here for Bra vs Jap

  • Trying anyone instead of Busa wouldn't be bad choice, she is horrible today in every aspect.

    Lozo instead of Busa and Milenkovic as mandatory backrow sub for Mihajlovic could work.

    buša has been TERRIBLE