2023 Women's Volleyball Nations League

  • Uzelac is already the most reliable OH in Serbia. Fluminense did a good move and also her, because her coach is the Brazilian U19 coach and is doing a good job at Flu.

  • Guidetti is coward. That's why he doesn't start with Uzelac even she is the best Serbian oh now.

    He favored Beier over Geerties, Meryem over Ebrar for long time, didn't give any chance to Derya.

    He doesn't have balls like Terzic...

    Federation should involve.

  • Guidetti and Serbia clearly have to find each other yet, but I wouldn't write them off too early. If they manage to get their act together, I'm sure they'll play much better in more important matches. It's not important to be in good shape at this stage of the season (and actually quite impossible such a short time after club season), it's important to be in good shape when it really counts! Some people always forget that players aren't robots that function in the same way all year, it's normal everybody has their lows.

  • Undeniable shameless Serbia with no excuse, both players and coaching wise. Basically Uzelac the only bright spot. I could say that some other nations are more concerned about that than serbian fan's, LoL.

    Literally there is no point for detailed analyse because every player deserve minus grade. Lozo is the only one with kind of excuse because of recent (like really recent, she traveled to Antalya with ? about her availability to play) injury, other starters like Drca, Bjelica, Busa, Aleksic, Popovic and even Pusic was just really bad.

    It is evident Guidetti's mark, and that did not suit the team in any way. Indeed i would say that it is almost the main factor of bad (really bad at this point) results (but not bad play from mentioned players). A million objections from my side and from my point of view and volleyball philosophy, but as I already said during the coach announcment, I fully believe him even though these results could be extremely irritating and not quite expected.

    I fully believe in the quality of Serbian players, high quality and yes Busa is among them, despite that irational pushing agenda, and I really don't see any room for concern, although there will be many topics to discuss, process and work on in the next two weeks. The only (partly IMO) concerning consequence are the realistically threatened placement on the final tournament.

    Unfortunately, I didn't follow the matches of the other national teams, so I can't comment on the other teams, but in terms of results, having in mind pre competition expectations, Poland definitely left the biggest impression. Congrats

  • Türkiye:





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