Japan Women's NT 2023

  • I don't like making things personal but I will not stand for bigoted misogynists sending out those types of messages. My wife and I have raised both our daughters in Japan without any issues like that and no we did not live in any of the major cities during those first 5 years. I feel sorry for anyone with such a primitive and disgusting outlook. It reflects more towards your upbringing than anyone else's.

  • do you want to make a list of the players who did NOT come back to volleyball after getting married or having kids? I'm sure that list would be longer than a few exceptions you just counted. 🙄

    The user he quoted said "Never in Japan" specifically targeting Japan as a "hostile place for female athletes" and that Never in Japanese history did any female athlete come back to work after giving birth which is incorrect. Hassan quoted the wrong comment I guess. But if you read through what the person said about female athletes in Japan only being submissive housewives once they retire/get married/give birth... I mean yikes. Get an education.

  • I don't like making things personal but I will not stand for bigoted misogynists sending out those types of messages. My wife and I have raised both our daughters in Japan without any issues like that and no we did not live in any of the major cities during those first 5 years. I feel sorry for anyone with such a primitive and disgusting outlook. It reflects more towards your upbringing than anyone else's.

    An extremely toxic and mentally unstable upbringing.

  • "Raemeon is malaysian maybe it's a malaysian thing to be an uneducated piece of shit. Maybe that's exclusive to being malaysian."

    Can you imagine if people said that to your fucking face the way you keep saying things about Japanese people and their culture. "Maybe it's a malaysian thing to be so ignorant and toxic and shitty"

  • I don't like making things personal but I will not stand for bigoted misogynists sending out those types of messages. My wife and I have raised both our daughters in Japan without any issues like that and no we did not live in any of the major cities during those first 5 years. I feel sorry for anyone with such a primitive and disgusting outlook. It reflects more towards your upbringing than anyone else's.

    There's also nothing wrong with being a housewife or househusband. Why on God's green earth anyone would belittle a parent for choosing to raise their children after giving birth is beyond me. Some athletes have longevity while others will walk down a different path sooner or later. it's only natural to have a shift in priorities regarding their futures outside of their careers as they age.

    Araki has said in almost every interview I've read that it's not easy to find that balance. It's a personal choice first and foremost.

  • The user he quoted said "Never in Japan" specifically targeting Japan as a "hostile place for female athletes" and that Never in Japanese history did any female athlete come back to work after giving birth which is incorrect. Hassan quoted the wrong comment I guess. But if you read through what the person said about female athletes in Japan only being submissive housewives once they retire/get married/give birth... I mean yikes. Get an education.

    I see, I don't like that guy neither, don't get me wrong. I definitely do not support him. He sounds like a sad person.

  • "Raemeon is malaysian maybe it's a malaysian thing to be an uneducated piece of shit. Maybe that's exclusive to being malaysian."

    Can you imagine if people said that to your fucking face the way you keep saying things about Japanese people and their culture. "Maybe it's a malaysian thing to be so ignorant and toxic and shitty"

    Let's not throw all Malaysians under the bus because of one annoying guy:hit:

  • "Raemeon is malaysian maybe it's a malaysian thing to be an uneducated piece of shit. Maybe that's exclusive to being malaysian."

    Can you imagine if people said that to your fucking face the way you keep saying things about Japanese people and their culture. "Maybe it's a malaysian thing to be so ignorant and toxic and shitty"

    It’s is not very nice to say these things about Malaysia just because you think someone is Malaysian and said something you don’t agree with. I live in Malaysia... do come for a visit and you’ll find Malaysians are not at all like what you’ve describe them.

  • It’s is not very nice to say these things about Malaysia just because you think someone is Malaysian and said something you don’t agree with. I live in Malaysia... do come for a visit and you’ll find Malaysians are not at all like what you’ve describe them.

    That was my point exactly. Rhamon is malaysian and she keeps saying things like "It's an East Asian thing" "It's a Japanese thing" "Only in Japan" "Japanese players" do you get what I mean? Like what if people start saying to her "It's a Malaysian thing to be ignorant and sheltered"

    I don't have anything against Malaysians or any ethnicities/race for that matter nothing. I myself am Blasian and I've also heard stuff in real life like "It's only a negro thing" or "Oh it's your African side that's definitely an African thing" that's exactly what that rhamoan user is saying about how only negative stuff is a "Japanese thing" of course not.

  • Harmful stereotypes in a bubble.

    That person basically said that Japanese female athletes are submissive and that their worth lessens once they give birth because they are biologically female that's why they no longer have any value in an inherently sexist working environment or have successful careers once they get married or give birth.

    Apparently female athletes in Japan have less rights than Shiba Inus.


  • She or they it whatever they identify as, warped what Karl said about how married athletes are never active together due to limitations. Took that opportunity to make the most misogynistic comment just because it's about Koga.

  • Japanese society as a whole is still very much a patriarchal society, while the world is changing around it.

    The current ruling party, is a conservative political party, who keeps putting male prime ministers and cabinet appointments, and has basically been in power for the last 60 plus years. They basically can see the same stats, Japanese families are having fewer kids because women have to make a choice, kids or work, not both because the infrastructure to allow a woman to work and be a mom is not supported whole heartedly by the current ruling party, while still giving tax credits for having children.

    Let alone wages paid to women are still significantly less than those of men, with same skills.

    In volleyball in Japan, Araki and Ohtomo were really the first playing moms in their club teams. Still teams giving these players some support is much better than none. These clubs, which are run by business are trying to change society at some level to say you can have both.

    I would say that many of the players of the 2010-2012 team wanted to be wives/mom’s after they retired, because their mom’s got them into the sport. However their successes enabled them to earn more money before retiring. Araki is basically pushing for a management position at some point with her Waseda degree and experience in different things.

  • Japanese society as a whole is still very much a patriarchal society, while the world is changing around it.

    The current ruling party, is a conservative political party, who keeps putting male prime ministers and cabinet appointments, and has basically been in power for the last 60 plus years. They basically can see the same stats, Japanese families are having fewer kids because women have to make a choice, kids or work, not both because the infrastructure to allow a woman to work and be a mom is not supported whole heartedly by the current ruling party, while still giving tax credits for having children.

    Let alone wages paid to women are still significantly less than those of men, with same skills.

    In volleyball in Japan, Araki and Ohtomo were really the first playing moms in their club teams. Still teams giving these players some support is much better than none. These clubs, which are run by business are trying to change society at some level to say you can have both.

    I would say that many of the players of the 2010-2012 team wanted to be wives/mom’s after they retired, because their mom’s got them into the sport. However their successes enabled them to earn more money before retiring. Araki is basically pushing for a management position at some point with her Waseda degree and experience in different things.

    my point exactly.

    and some of you guys here take it as an attack. you guys sound like a child.

    Japan's view on working women is definitely not on par with its co first world countries. and yes, very few moms came back to play in high level after giving birth in comparison to other leagues.

    did I ever say Japanese women are weak and submissive? where in that statement? I only stated facts that an overwhelming majority of them would be the ones staying at home. that is a fact.

    you're the ones putting a negative connotation on being a homemaker here. you make it sound like it's weak and submissive to be one.

    go back and read my original comment instead of being crybabies with zero understanding and emotional IQs of a 5 year old.

  • you sound like the snowflakes who will take the slightest trigger to use all buzzwords they can come off: misogynistic, homophobic, racist... etc... when NONE of it applies at all.

    the true mark of an objective person is making an argument without REACHING.

    you guys here are the most snowflake fandom ever. you make it a point to gang up on people because thayt's where you find your strength.

  • I love the chill way Yamada stands on court like she's just waiting for a bus or something

  • Hayashi is inching her way to a push call (or whatever they call it)

  • I know that the games vs BRA and TUR would be hard to win but I think JPN can definitely upset their way safely to the Olympics. JPN performance is probably their best since 2022 World Championships and they were already forcing BRA (who is in a rut now) into a decider in the Semis. On the other hand, TUR is a different beast.

  • I expect them to do well in the next match with Turkey. They've already built up the confidence, the connections in both offense and defense are getting better. Even if they don't end up winning as long as they don't make it easy to defeat them is what really makes them fun to watch. all that effort is going to matter in the long run

    Hadouken Mode Wada, Airi and Yamada let's see it:teach: