They talked on TV about the vaccine coming to Italy in the next months. It is a sperimental one, they had not enough time to test it on the volunteers and according to many of those experts it could make more damages on people than the Covid itself... this is why the government didn't go with mandatory for everyone, but only few categories of people, because you have to take at your own risk.
In Italy athletes won't get the vaccine before months (it may even take a year, it depends on the number od doses coming), because as healthy 20-40 y.o. people, they'll be the last category to receive the call.
In Germany they say that the vaccines that will be admitted soon will be safe and the usual standards in the process will still be respected, but many people are sceptical as well. It will first be available for people in risk groups and people who work in medical jobs, the government thinks that maybe in summer it could be available for everyone who wants it, but it will take a long time until enough people will have received it to finish all restrictions.